Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Youth for Christ. its been a while but i must say and that we can all say that in one way or another it bettered our lives even just for a little bit. even though leadership is sometimes questionable. we all cant say we couldve done better. because we quit. yes we did. not only did we turn our back on our "brothers and sisters in Christ" but we turned our backs on our church and our God. and not only are we not guilty for how we live our lives every single day through sin and guilty pleasures, but we enjoy it. so with easter coming, the ressurection of my Lord and Savior who died for us, i remember. who i am, or who i used to be. i remember when we lifted our hands eyes closed yelling at the top of our lungs not caring about how ugly our voices where knowing that only God was listening. 
What happened to... sisters eat first? my body is a temple of the holy spirit? 100% pure? i once did a share at camp about respect. and my highlight was men and women. and in my share with tears flowing down my face i said with all the pride i had in me " if anybody every disrespects any of my sisters or my brothers... i will pray for them." and through the witness of disrespect only came disrespect from my own. and prayer, is just, prayer to me. i forgot what it is like, ill admit it. and though so many of us our lost in our own life and emotion,

 i just want to remind whoever reads this that we were all lost before we went to camp. and then we all know what happened after, seeing people at their weakest yet, weakening ourselves in full trust. crying yet smiling and bringing out our true selves. it was amazing to me. and it changed me. so on this easter weekend with all these memories flowing through my head that i will NOT be standing. i will be kneeling. and with this gesture i hope to earn forgiveness. because it has been a year since i have went to church. and me and God just have too much catching up to do.